Always Out Front


Weatherproofing as Craft


Weatherproofing is less about product and more about technique. It’s also a statement — the kind any fine craftsman makes in any project with his name on it. The workmanship that goes into protecting a structure from the elements says…

LED Lighting: A Revolution In Sight

Trends + Advice

According Goldman Sachs, by 2020 six out of ten lights on the planet will be LEDs. The proliferation of the high performance, low-cost lighting technology represents a revolution in building and a watershed moment in energy efficiency. LEDs save more…

Heat and Energy Recovery

Trends + Advice

Homes are more airtight than ever. But with the reduction of air infiltration and ex-filtration comes the challenge of new air ventilation systems that keep fresh air flowing without sacrificing improvements in energy consumption.

Environmental Impact: Less Is More


BlackWing Builders operates in regions that are in the midst of dramatic change. Very often this means new construction in previously rural areas that have been rezoned for residential and commercial use. Water run-off, habitat preservation, emissions and indoor air…

The BlackWing Code


Randy Reese, Owner, BlackWing Elite Builders:  I’ve always said that I can’t hide from my clients. The place where I do my work is the place they do their lives. The part about this work that I love is that there’s…
